The Public Defender’s Office welcomes the opportunity to engage with organizations regarding our work, and to learn from organizations how our department can assist your group to carry out your mission.
If you would be interested in hearing from the Public Defender about the ways our department is helping to make San Bernardino County a better place for all of us, please contact Devan McDonald at (909) 382-3940 or via email:
Speakers Bureau Gallery
July 18, 2022 — Supervising DPD Yarrow Neubert, Supervising DPD Bill Drake and Public Defender Thomas W. Sone (bottom right, from left) met with the Sherriff’s Department to volunteer and donate books for the Parent and Child Connection program (PACC). PACC’s goal is to strengthen literacy and parent-child relations through positive communication. The Kiwanis Club graciously donated several books to the Public Defender’s Office.