On May 27, 2021, more than a dozen Public Defender staff participated in the Way World Outreach Resource Fair in San Bernardino. The staff members (pictured below) received over 300 intake packets that will be processed to help community members get their criminal convictions dismissed so as to obtain employment, get better housing, and other social services. The staff also provided the community members with vital information related to their right to vote.
The Public Defender’s Office would like to thank The Way World Outreach, Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr., and his staff Channing Hawkins and Kimberly Knaus, the Workforce Development Department, the Human Services Department, and the other community partners who helped make the event a tremendous success!
The San Bernardino County Public Defender’s Post-Conviction Relief Unit is available year-round to assist with record clearing. Visit our Clear Your Record page to learn more and begin the process.