The San Bernardino County Public Defender congratulates Deputy Public Defender Alex Friedman for being nominated and selected as our department’s honoree of the Award for Excellence in commemoration of Public Service Recognition Week. His hard work and dedication to the mission and Countywide Vision was recognized at the Award for Excellence ceremony held Wednesday, May 4, 2022 in the Board Chambers at the County Government Center.

Mr. Friedman’s excellent organization and implementation of Mental Health Diversion improves the lives of the county’s mentally ill residents and improves public safety by providing prompt treatment for individuals with a serious and persistent mental illness. Mr. Friedman works with social workers and Department of Behavioral Health clinicians to link individuals to the services they need to complete the diversion treatment plan and remain free from incarceration.
Mr. Friedman’s excellent organization and implementation of Mental Health Diversion improves the lives of the county’s mentally ill residents and improves public safety by providing prompt treatment for individuals with a serious and persistent mental illness. Mr. Friedman works with social workers and Department of Behavioral Health clinicians to link individuals to the services they need to complete the diversion treatment plan and remain free from incarceration.
Mr. Friedman is a tireless advocate who has handled a growing caseload of mental health diversion cases as he continues to collaborate with other departments to treat this vulnerable population. While treatment plans vary according to individualized needs of each person, most include housing, transportations, and treatment in a community based treatment facility. Representatives from county agencies, client families, and mental health professionals involved in the diversion process often comment that the county needs “More Mr. Friedman” to serve our community.
Mr. Friedman is also known for his positive attitude and his willingness to volunteer outside of this current assignment when needed. While the Mental Health Diversion program in San Bernardino has been measurably successful in reducing the time mentally ill individuals spend in jail (reducing criminal justice costs) and successfully linking them to community-based treatment, Mr. Friedman is suggesting ways to improve the process and the quality of the services provided to the community.