
126 results

San Bernardino County Public Defenders spent their Saturday, January 18, 2020, virtually attending the National College for DUI Defense’s (NCDD) Winter Session in line with the NCDD’s motto: “Justice Through

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San Bernardino County Public Defender Christopher Gardner, Sheriff John McMahon, and District Attorney Jason Anderson (pictured above, from left) spoke at a Friday Morning Insight Breakfast sponsored by the Victor

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The San Bernardino County Public Defender’s Office staff participated in Inland Empire Rebound’s Angel Tree Giveaway, preparing and donating packages of toys for families in our reentry population.

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This year, the San Bernardino County Public Defender’s Office put together 50 Thanksgiving dinner baskets for our annual partner, Inland Empire Rebound. The baskets serve families in our reentry population.

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All of us at the Public Defender’s Office of San Bernardino County are honored to do our part to help those who have stood up for us and our country.

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San Bernardino County Public Defender Christopher Gardner (at table, right) participated in a roundtable on bail reform with (from left) San Bernardino County Probation Department Division II Director Eric Raley

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San Bernardino County Public Defender staff provided legal services at the Bright Futures Clinic at San Bernardino Valley College on November 16, 2019. At Bright Futures events, community members can

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