March is Social Work Month! This month, we celebrate the indispensable work of our social workers at the San Bernardino County Public Defender’s Office.
Social workers have specialized training in helping people access the resources they need to survive and thrive. In the past year of global crisis, our social workers have been essential to our office’s client-centered, holistic defense mission. They have taken the time to assess the needs of the community and found the best ways to assist. They have approached every obstacle with positivity, and they have firmly advocated for their clients during a very difficult and uneasy time. They have been innovative, relentless, and resilient.
Thank you to our social workers, a core part of the Public Defender’s Office!
Below are just some of our social workers’ community outreach efforts from the past year.

Shoe drive for Shoes That Fit

Food drive in collaboration with New Hope, a program of Victor Valley’s Abundant Living Family Church, and San Bernardino County Probation

Face mask donation to New Hope

Back-to-school event with Young Visionaries

Backpack drive with IE Rebound

Celebration of Giving 2020, with gift bags prepared for families participating in SBCPD’s award-winning Children United Through Empowerment (C.U.T.E.) initiative as well as families of other clients in need